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Creating Happiness Through Hustle


Hey hey hey!

Pregnant, in a walker, with 8 screws and a plate holding it all together (and my fav ice cream...LOL)

Well, it has been a minute! I know, we finally got pregnant, I fell off some steps, was pregnant and in a walker, had the babe (happy, healthy ONE year old now), had an unexpected shift in my day job, and now we have officially closed the book on 2021! Does anyone else feel like they blinked and BAM!

I sure do, and it got my gears going. Have you ever heard the term, ‘the days are long and the years are short’?

Over the last couple of months, I have been on a mission and asking a TON of questions to find out where people are on the satisfaction radar with themselves and their life.

I have heard so many different answers:

  • ‘I love what I do, but it doesn’t provide the life I thought it would’

  • ‘I need to raise my prices, but I don’t know how to tell my customers’

  • ‘I want to start something new’

  • ‘My industry has changed so much; I don’t know if I can do it anymore’

  • ‘I am terrible with things like social media and business, I need help’

  • ‘Nothing is selling’

  • ‘I love what I do, but it is consuming every part of my free time, even before bed’

Two conversations specifically stood out to me.

First, the conversation I had with a customer that loves her work, but it consumes her. She loves what she does, but it was like every single part of her free time or life was committed to tweaking work that she had already done or continually checking the never ending list. Lists do not have to be finished at the end of every day. Also, if you are here, your list could go on for miles. Stop it!

Her solution was a side hustle, a hobby, something that would take her from the allotted time she set aside. I related to this. It spoke to me, as I have created a side hustle of my own to help disconnect from work.

The second conversation slapped me in the face. My customer has a very fun solution to a problem in our industry. I was admiring her and her partners creativity. She came out and said, ‘I need a side hustle!’ I have coached her on budgeting and other things. We have known each other since I started my job in corporate sales.

As I sat in my car after that call, I realized - side hustles…

I started to research, what is a side hustle. It had several meanings and slang meanings.

The formal meaning: a means of making money alongside ones’ main form of employment or income (according to our buddy google).

That could be a part time job, this was not good enough. So, when I broke down what a side hustle is, I came up with the following:

A way of earning money or spending time ON YOUR OWN TERMS



  • Do you want to make more money?

  • Are you upset with how much time certain parts of your main job/career take up?

  • Do you enjoy work, but something is missing?

  • Is there are part of your career OR LIFE that you could make a side hustle to maximize your earning potential?

  • Is there a part of your life that simply needs focus?


I am not telling you to start up an entirely new career or dump your life. I am saying that if your life is less than satisfactory and you can’t seem to figure out why, reflect on how you are spending your time!

Solution 1: Learning a new skill

Example: Start a course about taking pictures or how to do CrossFit.

Solution 2: Creating Something Tangible

Example: It can be selling a fun solution to a problem, like the story I told about my customer. Making headbands or earrings and selling them on Etsy.

Solution 3: Improving a Segment or your job or career

Example: Are you a business owner that cannot get a hold of their budget? Or maybe you aren’t sure why your retail is not selling? OR your social game has gone sour. Simply START focusing on this like it is an entirely new thing. If you dig up 5 hours a week to give to your side hustle – spend it on that one segment.

The point of a side hustle is to IMPROVE some part of your life, whether it is the feeling of burn out or you need extra money for your family budget.


Next, you are going to be scared! Maybe you know what part of your life you need to improve or have an idea you have been sitting on, BUT you don’t think you have the time. You are letting your excuses roll.

HOT TIP: When I tell myself I do not have time for something, I check the screen time on my phone. I look at the daily report, then I realize, how much time I spent on social and texts. Excuse SQUASHED….if you have time for those things, you have the time to improve your satisfaction with your life!

RIGHT NOW, name it...What is your side hustle? Tell me! I cannot wait to hear about it! What do you need help growing? your social? your team? your motivation? your balance? your retail? your income? your presence with your family? your idea? your new business? your etsy shop? I really do want to know! Send these to me.

You can do this. I’m rooting for you!


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